
Based in Wandsworth for almost thirty years, Cherwell is a privately owned residential and mixed use development company specialising in high quality new build developments. The company prides itself in working with the local community to achieve outstanding developments. Cherwell is approachable and committed to listening to local people throughout the planning and construction process.​


GRID is an architects practice with a proven track record for the design and delivery of residential and mixed-use developments on challenging sites. Its team includes expert architects, urban designers and interior architects. GRID’s buildings are inspiring to use, enliven the streetscape and contribute to better cities, better lifestyles and better experiences.


Savills contains the largest planning consultancy in the UK. It has considerable experience in advising on complex and challenging schemes across the country. With over 280 leading planners, urban designers, heritage, economics, environmental and retail specialists, Savills provides professional planning advice, under-pinned by a detailed understanding of local and strategic issues.​


The Terrapin Group is a public affairs agency specialising in planning. In addition to running stakeholder and community engagement for development projects, it provides strategic advice on planning. Terrapin has worked on large scale redevelopment projects as well as smaller more bespoke schemes across London and the South East.